Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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WEEE-PIN network - 08.06.2007

A new network on waste electrical and electronic equipment
Local and regional authorities in Europe, including the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), have formed the WEEE-PIN network to make their voice heard into the current review of the.2002 EU directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment.
According to the members, problems lie essentially in the way the WEEE Directive (Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment) is being implemented in Europe. Solutions must be found in clarifying and giving more precisions to the existing framework - not in lowering the original ambition.
The WEEE-PIN intends to gather data to strengthen the review process and make local and regional authorities' position heard in the debates. It will be cooperating on this with other organisations representing the public sector and aims to follow actively the Directive's review process in order to ensure that on-going studies and elements for a potential revision of the directive also integrate the various impacts of producer responsibility systems on municipalities and on waste management sectors in Europe.
The WEEE-PIN network is an initiative of the Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+). More information is available on ACR+ website.
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