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Balkan - 22.07.2009
Gallup report puts the spotlight on Balkan people's opinions on migration
Is mass migration from the Balkans to EU countries likely? Do people in Western Balkans wish to migrate? This is what the Gallup Balkan Monitor's Focus on Migration report is about.
The GBM's Focus on migration gives.a first impression of how the region's people see the issue of immigration from all of the relevant viewpoints.
The findings show that although a majority of people in the Western Balkans are dissatisfied with their material situation, the number of people who are determined to leave their countries in the short term can be estimated at around 120,000. Of these, about 70,000 plan to go an EU member state.
People with friends or family members outside their home country stated that these migrants were mostly living in Germany, Italy, Greece, Switzerland and Austria, while those wanting to emigrate named Germany, the USA, Switzerland and Italy as the most desired migration 'targets".
Remittances play a big role in the Western Balkans' economy. The average monthly amount sent home is about 160 euros among households in Albania, 170 euros in Bosnia, 240 euros in Macedonia and 300 euros in Kosovo. These contributions from outside of the Balkans typically cover up to a half of a family's needs in each of the countries.
- The full report in English on the Gallup Balkan Monitor's website
- The European Commission's proposal for granting visa free travel to the citizens of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia