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Public buildings - 23.06.2011
CEMR questions feasibility of 3% target for annual renovation of public buildings
While the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) welcomes the proposal for a new EU directive on energy efficiency, presented on 22 June 2011, it calls into question the feasibility of the proposed 3% target for the annual renovation of public buildings.
"The target, which would obligate local and regional authorities to renovate 3% of public buildings each year starting 1 January 2014, is currently too ambitious and unrealistic, even for the most advanced municipalities and regions", explains Marie Bullet, CEMR policy officer on energy. "Indeed, local and regional governments require sufficient flexibility as well as a certain amount of time and visibility when it comes to planning and prioritising investments, developing strategies and building competences."
Nowadays, local and regional authorities also face a number of financial constraints and the European Commission's proposal fails to provide sufficient guarantees and solutions when it comes to financing upfront investments for the renovation of public buildings.
Despite this proposed target, CEMR is pleased that the directive puts forward a number of measures relating to local and regional government, which notably recognise their vital role in developing a more energy efficient society and in supporting a radical change in the behaviour of citizens.