Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
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Refugee crisis - 08.10.2015

"Member states should now launch dialogue with towns and regions to assess the needs at the local level"
​Reaction of the secretary general of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Frédéric Vallier, on the European Council’s decision to increase the money allocated to tackle the refugee crisis by the end of 2015:  

The Council’s decision to allocate €600 million of additional funding to address the refugee crisis is a step forward. However, this is just a first step. It is now down to the European Parliament to provide its backing for this funding at its next plenary session.

Since the start of this emergency, cities and regions, from the smallest to the largest, have been on the frontline by providing immediate assistance to those who are in need. Clearly, this crisis situation is falling on the shoulders of municipal authorities, for instance, when providing housing and healthcare services. This is why we urge national governments to launch dialogue now with local and regional governments and their national representative associations to assess the needs at the local level. Partnership between all levels of responsibility is essential to ensure the good integration of refugees with the support of the local population and with the help of non-governmental organisations
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