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Climate change - 05.06.2009

Climate change: towns and regions call for funding!
Local and regional authorities from around the world call for UN and national governments funding to tackle climate change. That is one of the main points issued at the Local Government Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen, on 4 June 2009.
Local and regional governments want better access to the carbon credit exchange funds, adaptation fund and technology fund, which are to be reformed and developed as part of the negotiations toward an international Post-Kyoto agreement on climate change. They suggest an extra 1 billion US Dollars support for the low-income countries. Those countries are the most vulnerable in regard to climate change, whereas their contribution to global warming is low.
Local and regional governments also want to be empowered with the political and technological capacities required to face climate change. They emphasize the importance of their role and experience, as well as the respect of subsidiarity. Moreover, they demand coordination mechanisms to be put in place, including all levels of government.
"Most of 'the greenhouse gases' emanate from the towns and cities. Local authorities are one of climate change's main causes, they should be a part of the solution." says Henning Jensen, Chairman of Local Governments Denmark's International Committee and CEMR's rapporteur on climate.
The Local Governments Climate Change Leadership Summit was held ahead of the United Nations Summit, which will decide for the Post-Kyoto agreement, in December in Copenhagen. This meeting was the biggest international event ever seen for local governments. 700 representatives from local governments from more than 60 countries were attending.
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