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Smart Cities - 07.08.2018

Overcoming urban security threats: welcome to MUNIWORLD 2019
Is your town well prepared when it comes to security threats? What about cyber security? In the smart city era, security threats can come in many shapes and sizes. Make sure you’re ready: come to MUNIWORLD and join the global brainstorming on smart cities facing urban terrorism.

This three-day event is taking place in Tel Aviv, Israel, from 26 to 28 February 2019. It’s the place to be to find smart solutions to address, and anticipate, all sorts of urban security threats. But beyond that, this event also serves as fertile ground for innovation, entrepreneurship and business interactions: you will have the opportunity to exchange with 170 companies and start-ups.

All in all, this event is expected to host 160 speakers and 8,000 participants: mayors, local and regional leaders, urban security experts, city planners, architects, as well as government ministers and Parliament members.

Join the movement of towns and cities that are taking the lead on urban security: come to MUNIWORLD 2019.

Want a taste of what’s coming up? Have a look at the video from last year's edition.

This event is organised by the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel (FLAI), which represents all Israeli local governments, both Arab and Jewish. The FLAI is a CEMR member association.
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