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Social dialogue - 16.08.2005

Conference: Social dialogue in new member States, Budapest, 14/10/05
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) et EPSU (European Federation of Public Services Union) will host a conference on Strengthening social dialogue in local and regional government in the new Member States and Candidate countries, in Budapest, on 14 October 2005.
The conference is part of a joint CEMR/EPSU project supported by the European Commission, to encourage the development of social partnership in the new Member States and candidates countries.
The event will be the occasion to present the findings of a study on the state of social dialogue in local and regional governments in these countries; it will also enable participants to exchange experience on this issue.
CEMR and EPSu established a sectoral social dialogue committee for local and regional government, in January 2004. The committee led the study on social dialogue.
Practical details:
- Date: 14 October, from 09:00 to 17:30
- Venue: Hotel Flamenco Tas Vezér Utca 7, H-1113 Budapest
(+36 1 889 57 05)
- Interpretation: English, Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, Turk. Passive interpretation in French, German and Russian
- Registration deadline: 9 September 2005
A full version of the study (113 p) as well as a summary of the findings (27 p) can already be consulted. The summary of the findings can also be consulted in the following languages:
However, his study will be amended in the light of the discussions which will be held at the pan-european conference in Budapest. The final revised version of the study will accordingly be available by the end of October.
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