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Transport and environment - 04.03.2008

How to curb emissions from transport? Report from the European Environment Agency
The unrestrained growth of transport activities creates many side-effects, such as air pollution, noise, or hours lost in traffic jams. Many solutions however exist, according to the European Environment Agency.
The report "Climate for a transport change" is an annual publication from the EEA, which examines performance of the transport sector vis-a-vis potential future targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions.
The report suggests different ways of reducing emissions from transport. These include the setting of areas with restricted access at different times of the day, the integration of land use and transport in urban planning, and increasing densities to increase the viability of local services that are accessible on foot or by bicycle, as well as increasing the viability of public transport.
According to this EU-wide study, cities account for roughly 80 % of traffic congestion costs, including loss of working hours...
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