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Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency - 10.02.2012

Energy efficiency call for submission launched for local and regional authorities (Deadline: 8 May 2012)

In the framework of the Intelligent Energy Europe programme, the European Commission has launched a call for proposals directed at local and regional authorities, and other relevant stakeholder, with the aim of significantly contributing to the implementation of EU energy policy objectives.

The deadline for the submission of project proposals is set for 8 May 2012 at 17:00, Brussels, Belgium, date and time.  Projects must result in a broad and lasting impact on Europe’s energy situation and revolve around one of three actions: energy-efficient public spending, local energy leadership or local energy investments.

Energy-efficient public spending initiative

Actions for energy-efficient public spending should provide support, training and capacity building to public procurers at the local, regional and national levels in order to help them better apply green public procurement criteria in the purchase of energy-related products.

Local energy leadership

A multi-level governance approach, involving local, regional and national public authorities, should be applied in any local energy leadership scheme in order to ensure the identification of a common vision and the joint implementation of sustainable energy plans.  Project proposals should also include capacity-building actions for the exchange of experiences and competence building of regional or national town planning associations.  Indeed, such actions would help demonstrate, promote and further develop the integration of sustainable energy aspects into local and regional spatial planning strategies.

Mobilising local energy investments

The implementation of sustainable energy action plans has recently proved difficult, especially for small to medium municipalities, often due to a lack of technical capacity to convert these plans into bankable projects.  Thus, proposals corresponding to the action for mobilising local energy investments should allow for public authorities to receive help in solving the aforementioned problems thanks to adapted assistance for the implementation of energy-related investment programmes and projects.  Proposed projects should also address the replication of successful innovative financing solutions to sustainable energy projects all across the EU.

Local and regional authorities in EU member states, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia or the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are eligible for participation.  

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