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Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC)

RFSC - 26.09.2017

How can your city reach a sustainable future? Find out on 13 October
You may already be aware of the benefits that come with making your town or city sustainable: attractiveness for people and business, a healthier environment, and an all-round higher quality of life for your citizens. It might seem difficult to make this happen. But with the Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC) tool, creating a sustainable city becomes easy.

At our workshop “From the Leipzig Charter to the SDGs: integrated approach to sustainable urban development”, we will show you how the (free) RFSC web tool can help you strategically develop, implement and monitor a large array of sustainable urban development policies, for towns and cities of all shapes and sizes.

For a more comprehensive demonstration of how the RFSC can help, we are also organising a training session for cities on the same day, from 11:30 am to 4 pm. This training session will offer cities the possibility to assess their sustainable urban development strategies, their implementation of the UN Global Goals (SDGs), and identify potential added value or needs in your strategy.

Together with experts and local representatives, we will also discuss the progress made with the various tools that exist to make our cities more sustainable, including the SDGs, the so-called “Agenda 2030”, and the “Cohesion Policy”.

Finally, we will debate which steps should be taken for the future. The workshop is taking place during the European Week of Regions and Cities, on 13 October from 9:30 to 11:00, at the House of Cities, Municipalities and Regions, Square de Meeûs 1, Brussels.

Please contact our colleague in charge of the RFSC, Pedro Bizarro (+32 2 500 05 46), to register for the training session (deadline: 27 September).

By the way, have you met Ben? Watch this two-minute video so he can explain to you how the RFSC helps make your city sustainable:

This workshop is organised by RFSC and the Urban Development Network, on behalf of the European Commission.
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