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Local Authorities'Days - 20.02.2009

Water management on top of the agenda (Istanbul, 16-22/03/09)
The 5th World Water Forum will be held in Istanbul from 16 to 22 March 2009. It is open to local and regional government.
During the forum, two days will be dedicated to the "Local Authorities' Days" (18-19 March). The first day will be organised around three sessions: water governance and sanitation; water management and sanitation under climate change; water management and sanitation in rapidly growing cities. An "Assembly of Local Authorities" will be held on the second day for the adoption of the Istanbul Water Consensus*.
A high level debate between local government, parliamentary members and ministers will be organised on 20 March.
20,000 participants are expected to attend the event and around 100 thematic sessions will be held. The world association of local government, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), is coorganising the forum.
* The Istanbul Water Consensus proposes specific commitments to the local governments so they can face the most urgent challenges linked with water and improve management of this resource.
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