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Sustainable development - 13.07.2009

19 ideas to make life in the UK more sustainable

The Sustainable Development Commission has identified 19 "breakthrough ideas" to make UK living spaces and the economy more sustainable in the long run.

The 19 ideas were boiled down from an initial 285 suggestions businesses, academics, sustainability professionals and the general public. The solutions are grouped into three broad categories: sustainable lives, sustainable places and sustainable economy.

Examples include re-localising food production and supporting local producers as a precondition for sustainable food, encouraging cycling for short journeys, and using fast-growing algae to capture industrial emissions.

The publication is only available in English.

About the Sustainable Development Commission

The Sustainable Development Commission is the United Kingdom government's independent adviser on sustainable development, reporting to the Prime Minister, the First Ministers of Scotland and Wales and the First Minister and Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland.

Source: Euractive



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