Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Structural funds - 07.07.2005

CEMR welcomes European Parliament's adoption of the Structural Funds package
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament of the legislative package for the Structural Funds, on 6 July 2005.
By adopting the Olbrycht, Hatzidakis and Fava reports, the European Parliament has expressed.its strong support for the overall architecture and funding level of the European Commission's proposed regulations for the next generation of Structural Funds, says CEMR secretary general Jeremy Smith. These three reports reflect the interest of Europe's local and regional government.
CEMR particularly welcomes the Parliament's call on the Council to reach an agreement on the EU financial perspective (the EU budget) as quickly as possible. One of the greatest concerns for Europe's local and regional government is the considerable amount of uncertainty due to the lack of a financial framework.
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions also welcomes the fact that both the Hatzidakis and Fava reports call for a stronger partnership principle to include all spheres of government in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and assessment of EU programmes.
Towards more and stronger territorial cooperation
CEMR supported the Olbrycht report on territorial cooperation. CEMR believes that local and regional cooperation is an essential element of cohesion policy. It helps local and regional governments deliver effective and efficient solutions by exchanging experience and disseminating innovative solutions. We are also pleased that the European Parliament backed Jan Olbrycht's proposal to rename territorial cooperation "European grouping of territorial cohesion". The new name highlights the Parliament's support for European territorial cooperation in all three areas: cross-border, inter-regional and trans-national, adds Jeremy Smith.
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