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Cohesion policy

Cohesion policy - 22.11.2005

EU Commission launches new cohesion policy initiatives: JASPER and JEREMIE
The European Commission has launched two new initiatives in the field of cohesion policy, called JASPER and JEREMIE, both aiming to make better use of available resources in line with the renewed Lisbon agenda.
JASPER (Joint Assistance for Preparing Projects in European Regions)
By launching JASPER, the Commission aims at maximising the impact of fund transfers on growth and jobs. Therefore, JASPER will provide a free of charge pool of expertise to assist managing authorities of structural funds programs with the preparation of major projects, especially in central and eastern European regions. Using JASPER is expected to help project managers to secure additional sources of funding.
JEREMIE (Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises)
The lack of access to capital is one of the reasons why economic activity at the regional level does not easily become self-sustaining. JEREMIE intends to improve the supply of risk-capital to small and medium-sized enterprises. In association with the European Investment Fund, JEREMIE will help managing authorities of structural funds programs to work out an action plan on how to achieve a supply of financial engineering and micro-credit services.
Both initiatives will be formally presented at the European Commission's conference on 'Financing Growth and Cohesion in the Enlarged EU" that will take place in Brussels on 24 November 2005.
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