Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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News in brief

  • COVID-19 - 22.04.2020

    Cities for Global Health
    Metropolis has launched Cities for Global Health, a collaborative online platform that offers access to knowledge, strategies and actionable plans implemented by local and regional governments around the globe. A virtual space to showcase what cities are doing and be inspired by others regarding specific initiatives or plans to the COVID-19 outbreak other health emergencies. 
  • Decentralised cooperation - 06.04.2020

    How can decentralised cooperation contribute to the fight against COVID-19?
    Local and regional governments are at the forefront of the coronavirus crisis. Collaboration and learning from each other are essential in this respect.

    That’s why PLATFORMA wants to ask you about how international cooperation and decentralised cooperation between cities and regions can contribute to the fight against the coronavirus.

    Please read the survey questionnaire and send your answers to
  • COVID-19 - 18.03.2020

    Sharing best practices on municipal waste management and the coronavirus
    The Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+) is collecting and sharing best practices from European cities on how to manage municipal waste while minimising the spread of the coronavirus.

    You can discover the recommendations in each country on the ACR+ website.
  • Call for tender - 27.02.2020

    Organising and communicating webinars and seminars
    We are looking for a contractor to help organise and produce videos for webinars and seminars. For more information, have a look at our call for tender.
  • Fair minimum wages - 25.02.2020

    Social partners must remain central to wage bargaining
    At the social dialogue meeting of local and regional governments held today, CEMR and EPSU agreed to submit to the European Commission a joint reaction on possible EU action on fair minimum wages.

    CEMR and EPSU support upward wage convergence and shared economic prosperity across the EU, gender pay equality and sustainable funding of social protection systems.

    However, we think that any EU action must ensure that wages, as a general rule, are autonomously agreed by or with national social partners. No member state should be required to introduce a statutory minimum wage system and any other conditions should only be introduced when they are proposed by the social partners at national level, including associations of local and regional governments.
  • Gender equality - 17.02.2020

    Georgian cities train and share best practices on local gender equality
    CEMR, PLATFORMA and our Georgian association (NALAG) held a workshop today in Tbilisi on how to better implement gender equality in municipalities’ day-to-day work. Four Georgian signatories to the European Charter for Equality – Kutaisi, Lagodekhi, Ozurgeti and Rustavi – presented their reasons for signing up and the actions they are taking.

    During the workshop, participants used the Equality Journey tool to map their gender equality objectives and prioritise actions. The session was wrapped up with a short introduction to the NALAS e-learning course on gender mainstreaming at the local level.

    The workshop was held in the framework of the Eastern Partnership Coordination Seminar “Reinforcing dialogue on gender equality and informed local government reform in Georgia: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities”, co-organised by NALAS and PLATFORMA.
  • IncluCities - 03.02.2020

    Job opening: the IncluCities Project is looking for a consultant
    The IncluCities Project is looking for a consultant to ensure the monitoring of the implementation of the project's methodology. Deadline for the submissions is 24 February 2020 COB.

    IncluCities (2020-2022) aims at improving the integration of Third-country Nationals. It also aims at facilitating the exchange of knowledge between 4 experienced (mentors) and 4 less experienced (mentees) middle-sized cities and 8 accompanying associations of local and regional governments in the fields of education and training, housing, access to basic services, active participation & social inclusion.
  • Sport - 30.01.2020

    Take part in the 4th football championship of European mayors!
    Up for a friendly game of footie? Mayors and deputy-mayors across Europe are invited to take part in the 4th championship of European mayors, which is being held in the charming city of Trnava in Slovakia between 17 and 23 May 2020. You have up to 15 February to sign up. For more information, please consult the official invitation.
  • Gender equality - 21.01.2020

    Young politicians improving gender balance
    ​Are you a young politician whose town or region is taking action to ensure gender-balanced policymaking? If so, the Committee of the Regions would like to hear from you! You can apply to CoR's Young Elected Politicians Programme (YEP), which will give you the opportunity to travel to share your experiences and network with other politicians. You can find more information on the CoR website.
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