Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Cohesion policy

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  • Cohesion policy - 11.04.2018

    Latest update on cohesion dialogues
    No less than 14 cohesion dialogues have now taken place, and the debates around cohesion policy’s benefits are alive and kicking in Europe’s towns and regions. The main outcome of the dialogues so far is that citizens feel the need to maintain cohesion policy, which they see as a forward-looking strategy to create innovation. More information here.
  • Cohesion policy - 09.04.2018

    Defending a strong cohesion policy in the next EU budget
    CEMR Executive Director for European Affairs, Angelika Poth-Mögele, sat down for an interview with FASI media to explain the need to keep cohesion policy strong in the EU’s future budget.
  • Cohesion policy - 13.03.2018

    Challenges for EU cohesion policy: the briefing
    What challenges lie ahead for EU cohesion policy after 2020? What impact will Brexit have on the EU budget? Read the handy briefing prepared by the European Parliamentary Research Service on this issue.
  • ​Cohesion policy - 31.01.2018

    Our Greek association joined the Cohesion Alliance
    Greek towns and regions called for a strong cohesion policy beyond 2020. On their behalf, the Mayor of Mayor of Amaroussi and President of CEMR’s Greek association (KEDE), Giorgios Patoulis, joined the Cohesion Alliance in the presence of the President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Karl Heinz Lambertz.

    The Cohesion Alliance (#CohesionAlliance) is a coalition of those who believe that EU cohesion policy must continue to be a pillar of the EU's future. The Alliance was created through cooperation between the leading European associations of towns, cities and regions, including CEMR, and the CoR.
  • Cohesion policy - 14.12.2017

    Commission proposal puts Cohesion Policy at great risk
    On 6 December, the European Commission unveiled a roadmap to deepen Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union, which includes a proposal to change the Common Provisions Regulation.
    This is worrying for many reasons. Our Policy Adviser for Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion, Marlène Siméon, shared her concerns with the press agency Agence Europe: “Cohesion policy seems to becoming just a carrot and a stick to put in place national reforms advocated within the European Semester.” On top of this, “Without necessarily any development and cohesion objectives for regions, there is no notion of partnership or dialogue mentioned for the reforms discussed in the European Semester.”
  • Cohesion policy - 16.11.2017

    #CohesionAlliance grows stronger
    The campaign for a strong cohesion policy beyond 2020 has gained two strong allies. The Danish Regions association, as well as the Croatian County Association have both signed the cohesion alliance’s declaration. As local government associations, they are well aware of the importance of cohesion policy for towns and regions’ livelihood. Why don’t you join our campaign? Sign the declaration for a strong cohesion policy beyond 2020.
  • Brexit - 01.08.2017

    How will €10.5 billion worth of EU funding be replaced?
    The British Government has pledged to create a fund to replace the money local governments receive from the EU.

    The UK’s Local Government Association (LGA) has published a report on the matter, ‘Beyond Brexit’, in which it provides in-depth analysis of the three potential funding scenarios for the future. The LGA would be interested in any views on the report by 5 September 2017.
  • Cohesion policy - 13.07.2017

    EU citizens want cohesion policy to continue
    Great news from the people cohesion policy is supposed to serve: according to Eurobarometer 452, the majority of EU citizens share the view that it should continue investing in all EU regions. What’s more, 78% of EU citizens see a positive impact of EU regional investments in their city or region.
  • Cohesion Policy - 13.06.2017

    CEMR meets ministers responsible for cohesion policy in Malta
    CEMR was officially invited to the Informal Meeting of Ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy on 8 – 9 June in Valletta, Malta.

    This event came just before the adoption of our position paper on the future of cohesion policy. For the future of Europe and its territories after the next EU budget review in 2020, CEMR advocates a simplified and integrated territorial approach to cohesion policy.
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